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Having a leaky basement is a problem during a heavy rain. Make sure there is no possible hole for a leak or else your stuff will get ruined....

A&W is an ok place. The Bacon Cheeseburger was fine, the hot dog was fine. The root beer float was pretty good. Their chicken sucks though....

Fun Fact: GhostPolitics doesn't know how to turn off his history on YouTube.... Boomer Vs Technology moment....

Fun Fact: GhostPolitics eats wings out of the trash....

Had bad weather yesterday, got hailed on. But I did eat these stuffed nachos that were pretty good....

Frosted Flakes Strawberry Milkshake is ok cereal....

Ghost's new AI songs suck....

oooooooooooooooo.... ooooooooo.... I'm a ghost..... oooooooooo....

Yeah.... I'm late.... again....

woah... it's a me.... Moooorio....

So the Wii U's functionality died yesterday. But there is always Pretendo. Wii U is like the Gamecube of 8th gen. But uhhh.... I'm eating some tacos later today. Taco Tuesday....

I am really tired....

It's been a long night for me.... listening to Somewhere Out There right now. All I have to say is damn.... the memories and the time that passes on by.....

I'm doing this very hastily. I've got not time you know?....

I'm tired as I'm writing this. But I guess I'll give you what Ghost told me in a summarized form that has nothing to do with song. "I am not sure what happens when you die. But in my personal opinion, you wake up in some place. And if you wake up, may god help you. This life is a punishment from the creator because everything dies. And you better hope there is no reincarnation. If it wasn't for humanity and being self aware, we would be at the bottom of the food chain." I know, a feelsbadman moment, but I'm a little drunk from a fun Baller Friday.... so forgive me....

I am really behind on some stuff. But I had a great, yet tiresome President's Day Weekend.... how was your weekend?....

It's midnight and I'm tired. I just got a bunch of needles stuck into me today at the hospital....

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.... but uhh.... I did some stuff..... so that's pretty cool....

I'm doing this on my new laptop.... Windows 11 sucks....

guess what everypony, my birthday is this Sunday. Yup, I'm turning [REDACTED] years old. Yup.... well

oh boy, I'm here again. Had a happy new year? I sure did. Not really, it was depressing even right now as I write this. Oh well, have a good day....

Happy New Years you guys. I got a new laptop and I'm try to move my stuff over to that one.... so if there are any delays..... you know why.....

wew.... it's almost Christmas time everypony.... can't wait....
Also in case I don't upload anything until then, have a Happy Hearth Warming everypony....

damn... Christmas is coming fast. I only have 9 days left to do christmas stuff.... damn....

more pony stuff... also Happy Hearth warming Eve and stuff....


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

598 videos

Category Music

I don't do much on here other than to post MLP related shit...

So here's the link to my FIMfiction account...

I have no shame..